Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fictional Boyfriend #35

So I finally started the series The House of the Night. Let me just say, those books are AMAZING. I'm guessing that those of you that have already read this series know exactly what boy I'm going to put on here.
Erik Night
He really is amazing. I mean I know he's your average popular boy that is totally hot, etc, but I like how he really is down to earth and really seems to like Zoey. She gets a lot of attention now because she's the leader of the Dark Daughters and is in training to be a High Priestess and has an affirmity for all five elements, but he liked her even before she was the popular girl at school... and she's not popular because she's rich or textbook beautiful (meaning Barbie beautiful) or because she bullies people. No. She's all about justice etc and that's why Erik totally likes her. I dunno what else to say about him. I mean hes like the most perfect thing ever :P... and he's a vampyre, so it makes everything even better!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fictional Boyfriend #33 and #34

Hey everyone who reads this! I just wanted to say hi since I haven't posted in a long time, but I have finally finished Eclipse, which I decided to reread and that took my forever!! Then I got to finally start and finish the book Wicked from the Pretty Little Liars series. This is where numbers 33 and 34 come from.
Number 33 is Issac, Emily's boyfriend. Issac is amazing. He has that mysterious quality, but is totally fun loving. I mean he has to be amazing to take lesbian Emily and have her like him! She was all afraid of him not wanting to be her boyfriend anymore because of her past, but he said he was fine with it. I sure hope nothing splits those two apart, but you never know. A is one tough stalker and they are a total jerk. Ugh it is so frustrating reading those books sometimes. Anyways, Issac also sings and will tell Emily songs that are on his mind and they are always meaningful ones in her life. It's really sweet. He's also emo so that's a major plus.
Number 34 is Andrew, Spencer's new love interest!! He's totally awesome. He is really really really smart, but also good looking. He's competitive in academics, but isn't one of those nerds. I could see him getting annoying, but that one con is outweighed by a bunch of pros. I mean, Spencer is under a lot of pressure from everyone because of her stealing her sister's paper and almost getting the Golden Orchard thing or whatever and now they all look down on her because she cheated. Andrew looks passed all those things and actually forgets about them because of how much he likes Spencer. It's very admirable =)