Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Non-list Issue

WHAT THE HECK!!!!! Dimitri is a Strigoi???? Are you freakin' kidding me???!!!! This is awful!!! I finally finished the book a few nights ago and I'm mad. I'm mad at EVERYTHING. So Rose and Dimitri have this amazing time when she goes all psycho. Whatever, that was like my favorite part. Then the Strigoi attack and again whatever. Christian is amazing in that by the way. I loved how he used his element. It was GREAT!! The next morning they attack them and that's when everything sucks. What the hell did Richelle Mead do that to Dimitri for??? HUH? Rose had everything worked out: graduate, become Lissa's guardian, live at the Royal Court, and get to see Dimitri all the time. What the hell. Then poor Dimitri gets carried away and now Rose is running away AGAIN. She's not graduating, she's not going to be a guardian. OH MY GOSH. THAT'S AWFUL!!! Now Lissa won't have a guardian like Rose and they probably won't let Rose become a guardian if/when she kills Dimitri. Oh my gosh and she has to kill him. That part freaked me out the most. Wow this book just made me absolutely emotional!!! UGH!! I hate it and love it at the same time!!! For those of you who don't read Vampire Academy, then you won't get this. I'm sorry for all the random thoughts and rants, but I mean SERIOUSLY. THIS IS AWFUL!!!!! NOO!!!!!

1 comment:

Watching said...

tee hee hee yeah it's stupid... but for a fictional boyfriend how about fang from maximum ride, I know he doesn't really count.. but still he's pretty cool or maybe josh from I'd tell you I love you but then I'd have to kill you, he might only be in there for one book but... or what about Jace from "The city of bones/ashes" books....Or oliver from blue bloods... did you already do that one? Anyway, just somem ideas