Friday, November 28, 2008

Fictional Boyfriend #30

I just totally remembered something. How could I not have written about Ian from the Host? I'm a total Stephenie Meyer fan and I forgot him! What is wrong with me?? =]
Mmmmk well today, our little addition is Ian. Ian is someone who loves unconditionally. It all started with a spirit or soul named Wanderer. Wanderer's soul was put in a human girl's body. Soon, Wanderer found out that she could still hear Melanie, the girl who's body Wanderer inhabits, even though that part of her mind was supposed to be dead. So basically Melanie, the real owner of the body, was still present mentally and would yell at Wanderer and stuff because she took her body. Eventually, Wanderer begins to see how what the souls are doing is wrong (killing off humans and embeding a soul in them). She feels bad for Melanie and they start to cooperate with each other. Melanie then tells Wanderer about a secret cave that her uncle built in case something like this ever happened. She remembered the coded directions and led Wanderer there.
Wanderer is in a rude awakening when she is taken to the caves. When a soul is in a human body, the body's eyes have a silver ring around the pupil. That is how they can tell the difference of who is who. They sort of beat Wanderer up and take her down to the cave after they find her wandering in the desert. Before Wanderer even started this journey, Melanie showed her images from the past, which were of her younger brother, Jamie and her boyfriend, Jared. So when Wanderer saw Jared, her body yearned for him. It wasn't her fault. It was just the body's natural reaction. Jared then swears he hates her etc, but inside you know he's hurting, seeing the woman he loved's body inhabited by a soul.
Then there's Ian. Ian's older brother hates Wanderer, but Ian loves her. Ian doesn't love Melanie's body, but the soul living inside of it. He loves the creature that Wanderer is.
In the book, he states that he loves her, not the body she is in, but her for who she is. Now that is the beautiful thing about him. And when Wanderer has to be taken out, he gets to hold her and he even tells her that she's beautiful (if you haven't read the book, then you won't know what I'm talking about).
Here's a quote:
"She is. Melanie is a very pretty girl. Even beautiful. But pretty as she is, she's a stranger to me. She's not the one I care about." ~Ian O'Shea
So what team are you on? Team Howe (Jared)? or Team O'Shea (Ian)?
I'm team O'Shea and those of you who don't know how to answer, that's because you didn't read the book. You can't even say Team Howe since I didn't really post anything about him =P


Anonymous said...

The Host was great book! Team O'Shea!

Watching said...

Yeah I loved Ian, remember when he was telling wanderer he held her in his hands and she was beautiful? Well, this one girl told me, Whatever how can a centipede be beautiful, he just wanted some. I don't beleive that though, that girl was stupid >.< Yeah *nods head* I liked the Host.

Anonymous said...

Well, I wasn't too happy about that!! lol i actually thought it was kind of funny!! Rob is so cute!! haha =]