Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fictional Boyfriend #29

Tobey is the next addition to this list. He is from When It Happens by Susane Colasanti. This book is seriously one of my favorites. It's hilarious since it's told from both a boy and a girl. Tobey is just amazing though. He is a totally sensitive guy and will only have one girl: Sara. So basically the story goes through how they first got to know each other and how much Tobey already liked her. It shows how devoted he is to her from an early stage because he refuses to move on from her. His friends tell him that he can have whomever he wants and he chose her of all the other girls. Right there is a quality most guys DON'T have. He wont settle for just anyone.
Anyways, the story goes on and all is good. It's totally funny reading Tobey's thoughts as well as knowing Sara's. He's constantly making little comments in his mind about things. Here's one of my favorite little remarks he makes:
Tobey tripped up the stairs as he tried to catch up to Sara to talk to her.
Sarah bends down to help me up. "Are you okay?" she says.
I get up quickly like it's no big deal. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"Every time I see you, you're bumping you head!"
And every time I see you, I wish my headboard was bumping against the wall. With you in my bed.
Little things like this make me crack up.
Here's some evidence he's sensitive and really does want to have a REAL relationship with Sara.
Tobey confronts Laila to ask if she will trade partners with him since Sara is her partner and he wants to get to know Sara more.
"Why should I help you?" she says.
I try to find the right words to make her see that this has to happen. "It would give us the chance to find out if this is what I think it is."
"And what's that?"
I take a deep breath. "Something real," I say.
Isn't he so awesome? haha yeah of course he is!!


Anonymous said...

hey i have a fiction bf applicant!!
His name is Charlie and he's the main dude in a book called IN YOUR ROOM. i finished it today, and i think you'd like it =]


Anonymous said...

YES. I looooveee Robert Pattinson!!!!! LOL

The book is by Jordanna Fraiberg