Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fictional Boyfriend #45

Alrighty, it's been awhile since I've posted and I apologize for that. I only had time to update my book recommendation and now I'm going to talk about the boy from there (:.

About Tamaki from Phantom Dream:

Tamaki is awesome. Haha I know I say that about most of the guys on here, but I mean there's no other way for me to describe them!! He's what is called a Shugoshi. He's also the only one left in the family, so basically the only existing one, which is actually pretty bad. He is the only one avaliable to exorcise demons out of tortured human souls, called Jaki.

He has a girlfriend named Asahi. The tragic part about their love is that Tamaki is pledged to another woman basically cuz he has to marry a woman with power in order to reproduce and have more Shugoshi. I hate that she isn't powerful, at least I don't know if she is yet. I've only read two volumes of it and am still searching for more. It's really cute though. Asahi knows that she won't be able to be with Tamaki forever; she knows that he has to marry someone else so that he can have kids that are passed the gene.

The weird thing about Tamaki is that he's actually his grandfather's kid. He was always told that his mother's husband was his father. But his supposed "dad" was too weak to carry the Shugoshi gene that his own father would have passed down from him. So the guy that Tamaki always known as his grandfather was actually his dad. Tamaki's mom was actually a jaki, so he has both jaki and shugoshi blood in him, causing him to be very dangerous both physically and mentally. He could go insane at any moment. The only thing that really keeps him sane is Asahi. She's amazing and I sort of want to be just like her since she is so admirable.

That was about Tamaki from Phantom Dream (: I recommend it to anyone and everyone :D. It's by Natsuki Takaya, one of my most favorite authors. She's the most amazing cuz she thinks up all these great characters and stories.

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