Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fictional Boyfriend #38

Sooo I don't know how many of you know this, but I'm a pretty big Meg Cabot fan. She is one of the most represented authors on my bookcase. Anyways, I read this book that was by "Princess Mia" called Ransom My Heart. I was deeply enthralled by this book. I mean it was nothing that I would have expected and I found myself laughing so hard. I hadn't laughed in a long time before reading this book. It seriously brought me great joy.
It's about this girl in 1291 that finds this man to ransom for money so that her sister will have a dowry so she can marry this man that she so-called "loves" (he turns out to be the biggest D-bag ever). Anyways, so Finnula, the girl who is helping out her sister, ends up falling in love with Hugo, or at the time she knows him as Sir Hugh, the man she holds for ransom. It was one of the best books I've read all year that's all by itself (meaning that it isn't part of the series).
Anyways I wanted to add Hugo because even though he's arrogant and whatnot (whatnot being all the girls hes "bedded") but I like to think of how he is with Finnula and how cute and fun everything seems to be. Haha it made me want to get married :P


Watching said...

Meg Cabots books are always funny ^^

Watching said...

Rawwwrrr!!!! O.O update already *throws computer at wall* o.-

Watching said...

so have you read airhead..? or being nicki?

Watching said...

-__- You know what? I'm not even going to say it...not even going to say it...