Monday, October 6, 2008

Fictional Boyfriend #22

Again, I am surprised that I didn't post this boyfriend sooner. His name is Alexander and he lives in a little town called Dullsville. Raven has the pleasure of being the one to recieve his affection. It's actually sorta weird. Out of all the vampire books I've read so far, the Vampire Kisses series is the closest to a "traditional" vampire story. Alexander is "allergic" to garlic, can't go out in the sun, drinks blood, turns into a bat, sleeps in a coffin, etc. It's the real deal with this series. =] Anyways, Alexander moves into Dullsville and soon catches the interest of goth girl, Raven. They end up getting to know one another and she is continuously wondering if he's a vampire. At first, that's the only reason why she wants to get to know him. But after awhile, she realizes she really likes him and only at the end of the first book does he really confirm he's a vampire.
Back to Alexander as a character: He is beyond awesome. He can paint beautiful pictures [since he doesn't show up on film or appear in mirrors, this is the only thing he has left] and think of the perfect things to do with Raven. Since she's a little on the strange side, she doesn't mind having picnics in graveyards and thinks it's a romantic date. With Alexander there, it is a marvelous date. Everything is wonderful with him around.

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