Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fictional Boyfriend #15

Have any of you read the book Witch Season? Well it's this fantastic book about witchcraft and like how this group of teenagers got sucked into the whole world of witches. That all happened when Daniel Blessing showed up on their doorstep badly banged up and in need of some medical attention. Out of the group, Kerri was the only one that thought they shouldn't take him to the hospital, but to take care of him in the house. The reason she trusted him so much? He cast some sort of spell of her to make her feel that way. After finding out he was a witch, they were thrown into his world, a world full of danger and the one making it dangerous- Season. Anyways, Daniel and Kerri end up falling in love during the time which she was with Daniel. When the whole group was looking for Season with him, they would patrol together and spend their down time kissing etc. The funny thing is that Kerri's only sixteen or seventeen and Daniel is hundreds of years old. He looks to be about mid-twenties and an all around good-looking guy, but really, he's old. Like super old. The main reason he was attracted to Kerri was not because she was pretty [she was too], but the fact that she's very mature for her age [it was just her and her mother when she was growing-up so she used to having to make the desicions and caring for her mother]. Daniel never used magic on her again for he wanted her to be able to experience all her own feelings- so never again was the trust spell used, especially on her. He told Kerri that he never felt this strongly for any other woman. They would have been together a long time too if it wasn't for him dying.

1 comment:

Watching said...

Yes I read it, the Sweep series is kind of like that well, it has to do with wicca but not really so... yeah :P