Monday, September 22, 2008

Fictional Boyfriend #16

In Wicked Lovely, there is a boy. This boy is named Seth. Embarrassingly enough, Seth is kinda my dream guy. The thing that drives me crazy for him is his lip ring. You can just imagine where I'm going with this, so use your imagination. Seth is the kind of guy that wears eyeliner [another thing that appeals to me] and has piercings. He wears tight clothes and has a reputation for being a playa. That is why Aislinn doesn't want to get involved with him. They had been close friends for about seven months. She is in love with him, but doesn't want to compromise their relationship. While Seth and her are cooking, i think Seth reaches up to grab something, exposing a little of his stomach. This caused Aislinn to say "wow" and he's all "wow, huh?" and that started the whole thing. He told her how he waited for her for seven months and she brought up that he's been with a bunch of girls. He then replied to her that there hadn't been anyone since she came into my life- basically ensuring her he was in love with her too. This is very important to this book because their love gets Aislinn through the faerie drama she gets put through. She is one of the only mortals that can see them and this is dangerous because if they find out, they could hurt Aislinn, maybe even kill her. But it's bad news for her anyways because the Summer King is looking for his long lost Summer Queen and Aislinn fits the criteria for her. It's complicated, but a definate good read. I loved it!! and i love Seth!

1 comment:

Watching said...

Seth is pretty cool, but I don't think I would be able to date a guy with that many piercings :P