Friday, September 12, 2008

Midnight Sun Drama

This really has nothing to do with my boyfriend list, but I'm posting it anyways since I'm pissed off. I'm sure that by now you have all heard that someone posted the first 12 chapters of Midnight Sun on the internet illegally. Then Stephenie posted that long letter of how betrayed she felt because of this. What makes me so mad is that she's blaming her fans.
Well first things first. 1) We, the fans, had nothing to do with this. It was Stephenie's fault it got posted illegally since she was the one who trusted someone she shouldn't have. So I think blaming us fans is totally stupid. Especially taking Midnight Sun away from us. Really. That is the stupidest thing ever. I don't even understand why we're even being punished. Which brings me to number 2) Did Stephenie honestly think that her fans wouldn't read it? Temptation is one of the toughest things to beat. It's even worse when your obsessed. I'm sure the fans that first found it thought that it was nothing illegal. If they did know it was illegal, it was THOSE fans that should get punished [the ones who really AREN'T loyal to Stephenie]. 3) Why would she punish us this severely? There is a rumor going around saying that she's doing it for more publicity. It has been done in the past. Now, I am not saying I believe it, I'm just saying that there's a slight chance it COULD be true, not that it is.
I don't know what you believe/think, but there's my opinion. To sum it all up:Stephenie is totally over-reacting towards the fans when it wasn't our fault to begin with.
PS- If you haven't read the first 12 chapters of Midnight Sun, I think you should. It's amazing. I think there's a possibility that I love it more than Twilight. That's why I'm so mad. I don't want to never be able to finish it. To get those chapters, go onto

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