Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Who's Bad Mouthing Edward???

This doesn't really have to do with my list except that it is on Edward. Now I know that some crazy people out there don't like Edward. I'm okay with that... totally okay with that. Just don't let me hear anything bad. I love the guy so it's not cool to bad mouth him infront of me. Even though he isn't real, it still seems to bother me. But I am curious... tell me why you don't like him. I've heard that he's just too perfect... I've heard that he's lame. So please, if you don't like Edward Cullen, tell me why. Just don't bad mouth him too much.


Sarai said...

Now I love Edward but I think Jacob is a hottie too. Mind putting him on the list?

Bella Cullen said...

Edward? Who would bad mouth Edward?!(sorry Jacob)