Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fictional Boyfriend #8

Another dead guy made it onto my list today. This one's name is Jesse. Now Jesse is probably one of my most favorite characters Meg Cabot has ever thought up. This boyfriend is featured in all six books of the series the Mediator and is the main reason why I even bothered to pick up the book =]. Jesse is a man that died on his way to his fiance's house. He was murdered. Suze [the main character] is on a mission not only to mediate other souls, but secretly his as well. Since dear old Jesse was born in during the ranchero times in California, he is a gentleman. Not only is he a gentleman, but a hot ghost. Suze has every right to swoon the minute she sees him in her room. That's right. She's so lucky. She has a strong, muscular, hot, moral, beautiful brown-skined, dark hair, lovely eyed, ghostly boyfriend in her ROOM. Her ROOM. But since he's so moral, he leaves when she changes/needs privacy. So he's absolutely wonderful. I recommend this series to every single person ever. One hint to everyone: remember Meg Cabot likes happy endings.

1 comment:

Watching said...

Haha so you did read it, okay meg cabot likes happy endings thats true, even the 1800 where are you had a pretty happy ending. Um... What about Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac?